A bleh day.

Today was one of those days where I found myself doing nothing to improve. I just took my cat to the veterinarian to get her neutered and back home. It took me the whole day to simply take her there and back home. But sitting down now on my bed with her by my side, it struck me that I didn't get anything done to make any kind of improvement, small as big.

It's making me feel kind of anxious, to be honest, because I told myself I would do it. But here I am, just like in the old days, sitting on my bed and having done nothing good going for myself. But as I got into thinking, I truthfully don't have any idea what to do that would make me improve today. Maybe try to finish reading the book I started? Or watch something useful for once? I don't know.

Despite feeling off today, I also have been feeling quite good anytime it comes to E. He makes me the happiest. I'm not going to lie; I miss him a lot. When he's around, he fills me with energy like no other. The way he protects me. The way he takes care of me. The way he respects me. The way he expresses his love for me fearlessly in front of everyone. I love him so much. I can proudly say he's the best thing to ever happen to me.

Okay, so what do I do now? I will probably hang out with my cats for a bit while reading and then talk to E on the phone if he is available to do so. I will also take notes from the book I'm reading at the moment named Atomic Habits by James Clear. E recommended this book, and I'm honestly very fascinated by it. I haven't been hooked on a book for such a long time. I strongly recommend it. 

Overall I rate this day to be a very bleh day. I don't want to experience one of those days like this in a while. Sigh. I just want it to be OVER.

bleh day cats english feeling off relationships
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